503 research outputs found

    Modelling and control of refrigeration systems: an account of a pedagogic experiment in a post-secondary technical course

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    Comunicação apresentada no CYTEF 2016/VIII Congresso Ibérico | VI Congresso Ibero-Americano de Ciências e Técnicas do Frio, 3-6 maio 2016, Coimbra, PortugalTraditional post-secondary technical training focuses on laboratory work, on hands-on experience, rather than on conveying theoretical knowledge. However, theoretical knowledge is and will remain an important asset for technical professionals working in the refrigeration industry. This paper presents an account of a pedagogic experiment in which advanced analytical methods and scientific computational tools were used in a post-secondary technical course to study the modelling and control of refrigeration systems. Targeted learning outcomes, topics taught, computational tools used, and the way topics and tools were aligned to meet the learning outcomes are described. Results gathered between 2012 and 2015 showed that the use of advanced topics to model simple thermal systems and simple control systems is possible in a post-secondary technical course. It is argued that levelling up the contents in post-secondary education to match those presented in higher education contributes to a better understanding of the challenges of higher education, and, for students that ponder enrolling in higher education, contributes to better informed decision making. If the growth in refrigeration industry is taken into account and considering future needs for skilled refrigeration professionals, introducing students of post-secondary technical courses to analytical methods and computational tools used in higher education could, for some students, trigger the decision to enrol in higher education, leveraging the number graduates in refrigeration/ engineering bachelor programmes

    Heidegger, technology and sustainability: between intentionality, accountability and empowerment

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    Transition is the adequate term for characterising contemporary societies. Norms and values are in transit, led by a technological revolution, which is, in itself, the tip of the iceberg of millenary social and cultural changes. Heidegger, one of the leading philosophers of the twentieth century, captured this tension between social change and innovative technology and showed that the Western civilisation was captive of ontological instances whose role was already pin-pointed by Greek Antiquity philosophy but which went underground with Modernity. The product of Heidegger’s work was a revolution in Western thought, which found echoes across all areas of society. Taking Husserl’s call for “back to the things themselves”, Heidegger’s impact has empowered the calls for more sustainable and resilient societies. Sustainability models, with its three pillars of environmental, economic and social sustainability, are directly dependent upon the role of technology and of information science in shaping current patterns of production and consumption in contemporary societies. Industrial, academic and political discourses already voice such taken for granted assumptions. Nevertheless, it is crucial to clarify and to highlight the links between economic evolution and progress, social change and the catalysing role of technology, taken as an enabler of human action.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Climatização Geosolar em Moura

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    Neste artigo faz-se a descrição de conceitos subjacentes ao sistema de climatização geosolar aplicado no novo edifício da Lógica, E.M. em Moura, incluindo-se fundamentação teórica, aspetos preditivos de funcionamento, descrição técnica, considerações quanto aos custos e sustentabilidade, e, enquadramento ao abrigo do SCE. Trata-se de um sistema de AVAC Carbono Zero, ideal para aplicação em várias latitudes, nomedamente as de Portugal Continental. Como principais conclusões deve referir-se que é possível obter uma solução deste tipo com um custo global da ordem de grandeza do de sistemas de AVAC de elevada qualidade o que significará que as poupanças dos custos com energia começam a ser sentidas desde o primeiro dia de utilização. Tornou-se ainda possível que um edifício de serviços que estaria naturalmente abrangido pelo RSECE, seja tratado ao nível do RCCTE

    Consumo energético, conforto e qualidade do ar em salas de aula de edifícios escolares do período JCETS - MOP

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    As infraestruturas escolares públicas existentes têm sido objeto de investimentos de renovação e melhoramento significativos num momento em que a legislação estabelece valores máximos de concentração de poluentes caracterizadores da qualidade do ar no interior dos edifícios. O cumprimento das exigências de qualidade do ar interior precipitou uma mudança de paradigma na ventilação de salas de aula em edifícios escolares, assistindo-se à adoção de sistemas mecânicos de ventilação e climatização, em contraponto com a tradicional ventilação natural. Para as equipas gestoras escolares, frequentemente desconhecedoras da importância da qualidade do ar, a ventilação mecânica constitui um sorvedouro de recursos difícil de justificar. Importa por isso estudar estratégias que permitam, por um lado garantir a qualidade do ar e o conforto nas salas de aula, mas por outro lado não imponham custos excessivos. Partindo de uma sala de aula tipo de edifícios escolares do período JCETS – MOP (Junta das Construções para o Ensino Técnico Superior – Ministério das Obras Públicas) estuda-se um sistema de ventilação mecânica que varia o caudal de ventilação em função da concentração de CO2 nas salas, comparando-se a qualidade do ar interior e o conforto com os conseguidos por ventilação natural e por ventilação mecânica com caudal constante. Compara-se ainda o custo energético dos dois sistemas de ventilação mecânica em estudo. Conclui-se que a definição da qualidade do ar no interior de edifícios assente na limitação de valores de “concentrações-hora” de poluentes (em lugar da atual e mais restritiva limitação da concentração) permitiria a salas de aula ventiladas naturalmente cumprir a legislação

    Health promotion and policy-making: two sides of the coin of cultural maturity: the dynamics of Semiotic Learning

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    Trabalho apresentado em 5º Encontro Nacional de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia ENHT (5) & II International Congress of Interdisciplinary History of Health CIHIS (2), 13-15 Julho 2016, Coimbra, PortugalN/

    Energy Benchmarking of Double-Skin Façade Buildings

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    This paper describes ongoing energy benchmarking studies of double-skin façade buildings. Benchmarking methodology is discussed. Some preliminary results are presented

    Avaliação energética de um sistema híbrido radiante-convectivo a dois-tubos, ventiloconvectores e paredes radiantes

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    A comparação dos sistemas radiantes com os sistemas convectivos tradicionais pode ser efectuada através da análise comparativa dos efeitos resultantes da elevação da temperatura radiante média e 1 K com os efeitos resultantes da elevação da temperatura do ar interior de 1 K. No presente artigo, introduz-se um sistema híbrido radiante-convectivo baseado no sistema a dois-tubos, ventiloconvectores e paredes radiantes para um edifício de escritórios. Com base no programa de simulação DOE2, obtém-se a poupança energética anual devida à alteração da temperatura do ar no interior da sala de 1 K nas estações de aquecimento e arrefecimento e apresentam-se resultados que demonstram que o consumo energético para a alteração de 1 K da temperatura radiante média é inferior a esta poupança energética. Discutem-se questões técnicas e relativas ao investimento necessário para implementar o sistema híbrido radiante-convectivo. Os resultados permitem concluir o interesse deste sistema híbrido radiante-convectivo

    Information Systems Governance and Industry 4.0: epistemology of data and semiotic methodologies of IS in digital ecosystems

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    Preprint aceite para apresentação em International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations ICISO, 16-18 July 2018, Reading, UK.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Identifying at-risk students in higher education

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    The successful implementation of quality management systems in higher education relies on the ability to address topics meaningful to stakeholders. A topic that is moving to the top of many higher education institutions agendas and is meaningful to students, faculty and management is student dropout. Alongside its social and personal consequences, dropout impairs cost efficiency and the institution's image. This paper shows that in spite of the complex web of factors influencing student dropout, simple models for the identification of at-risk of dropout students can be derived and used to support decision making. The paper starts with an introduction to dropout models, next, the difficulty in implementing quality management systems in higher education is addressed; details about a process for the identification of at-risk students are presented. A case study is used to show that it is possible to identify at-risk students using only academic data and administrative records. Finally, the advantage of including an at-risk student identification process within the framework of a higher education quality management system is discussed

    Systems Governance and Industry 4.0: epistemology of data and semiotic methodologies of IS in digital ecosystems.

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    Trabalho apresentado em ICISO 2018: International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisation, 16-18 Julho 2018, Reading, UKContemporary Information Systems management incorporates the need to make explicit the links between semiotics, meaning-making and the digital age. This focus addresses, at its core, pure rationality, that is, the capacity of human interpretation and of human inscription upon reality. Creating the new real, that is the motto. Humans are intrinsically semiotic creatures. Consequently, semiotics is not a choice or an option but something that works like a second skin, establishing limits and permeable linkages between: (i) human thought and human's infinite world of imagination; and (ii) human action, with its correspondent infinite world of intentionality, of desire and of unexplored possibilities. Two instances are contrasted as two reading lenses of current business reality: IS governance and industry 4.0. These phenomena correspond to the need to take accountability, transparency and responsibility into account, when designing IS and when using such systems through the ecology of connectivity, Big Data and the Internet of Things. Political, social and cultural dimensions are brought into the equation, when addressing the question of the relevance and adequateness of IS theory and practice to respond to contemporary challenges. The message is that what has already been achieved is but a shadow, a pale vision, of what might be achieved in the age of the new Renaissance.N/